Thursday, August 23, 2007

Computer down

our computer is down right now so am using my daughter's laptop. Not sure what has happened to the computer right now. We are thinking it has something to do with the recent storms we have had b/c it was working yesterday morning and then quit. We had had a LOT of rain lately!!!
As long as my daughter keeps this laptop charged I can still get on and go visit everyone's blogs.Boy I didnt realize how much I missed having the computer around. Guess it is good that I take a break from it for a while but not too long:)Can't stand being without it.

2 comments: said...

I am wondering if you were in the terrible storm that I heard about on the national news! Trees uprooted and it looked bad!

Kelly has a laptop I use, but Karen hooked me up to the Mac but it is old and it won't let me go to all the blogs I want to!!
It goes crazy and little icons pop up saying you need this or that to go here. And it freezes up really easy!!
So when Kelly is at work or busy with something else I am right here!!!
She began a blog of her own Caregivers Diary, I think that is what it called..... You can find it on my list of what I read every day.... I read a lot more then what is on that list!!

When I started my blog I thought my blog would be more like what hers is going to be like but it took off in a different way! I think the way I do mine is the best for me!!

The Doctor told Karen I looked really good. So this blogging has helped me for sure!

Ok I don't why when I get over here I write you books!!!
I guess because you are Karen's age and I talk to her about every thing!! or I can just tell you our a caring person who likes little old lady's!
Have a blessed weekend and I hope the computer get going again soon!!
Love and Hugs, Grams

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

I am glad and you should be too that at least Brie has a laptop!! That it one that she "should" keep plugged in when not in use!! smile!! I keep mine plugged in all of the time!! Nice talking to you last night. I worked at Curves today almost 8 hours so am very tired. I learned a lot today though!! a little rain here today but not enough. We need much more. Love MOM