Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving week

Am so glad for this week. This is a week where we should all be thankful for the people and things that the Lord has done for us in our lives. We have been soooo busy with the remodeling of our house that it will be a nice break this week to be with family and be able to relax for a while.
I am so glad that I only have to work two days this week. I am looking forward to it. Tomorrow we pick up Brie and she will be with us for the rest of the week until next Sunday. I love having all the kids home. It doesn't happen that often anymore.
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy spending time with your families this week.

1 comment:

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Now you are at that place in your life where I feel like I was JUST as only yesterday!! You love having everyone in the same house and it is great!! ENJOY these times as much as you can because they are going to get less and less as you age...Thanksgiving just is nothing to us anymore. Roger is working so looks like we will just go to Cracker Barrel along with the whole South side probably!! smile. i do not feel like cooking so...Your dad is cooking.