What is your favorite herb or spice?
garlic and Italian spices
Name a song you like but haven’t heard in a long time.
Lean On Me
If you were to take just one minute to write down as many things as you can think of that you need (not want) to do, approximately how many things would there be?
1.Get all the laundry done...haha that's a dream
2.Clean out all the closets
3.Go through all the old toys and give away what the kids don't want any more
4.Finish the back porch
5.Way too many things to put down...there's always something to be done around here:)
Main Course
Tell something interesting about one of your family members (nothing scandalous, please, just something unique).
My husband has been going through our family tree and found out that they belong to the Huguenot Society. Only a direct male of the family and their children can become members. I can join but only as a spouse. He also found some really cool necklaces that are from the Huguenots.Go here to see the necklaces.
What’s the latest you’ve ever stayed awake?
Probably about 2 or 3 in the morning when i was in high school. Now I only stay up until about 10-10:30. Gotta get that beauty sleep.:)